Delivering a total solution is a multi-phased effort requiring the coordination of internal and external resources.
We typically divide this effort into seven phases, each with its own deliverables.
1. Project Management
Ingenova has assisted clients in the development and management of many large scale, mission critical projects. Ingenova first develops a detailed project plan identifying all the work to be performed, along with the required time, resources, and costs. All premises and assumptions, milestones, and risks are included in the plan.
The project plan is modified and republished at the start of each project phase so that all involved get a current picture of the project.
In addition, we have performed project audits of current projects to determine status and recommend a course of action. Many of our clients have found that engaging a third party enables issues to be presented and their resolution expedited.
2. Business Requirements
Ingenova performs a structured study during which the exact business requirements are documented and analysed.
The requirements contain definitions of business goals and objectives, function, process, data model, constraints, and known risks.
This information is used as part of the software package evaluation.
3. Software Selection
Using the Business Requirements, a review of available software packages is performed. A formal RFP is written and a scoring model is created. Each appropriate software product is reviewed and analyzed according to the RFP’s review process and scoring criteria. A top list is created and further analysis is performed.
This may include reference visits, a “package prototype” challenge where (if possible) some of the required functionality is demonstrated with limited live data, financial reviews, etc.
Ingenova also reviews the technical architecture to assess its impact on the client’s current and planned architectural infrastructure.
The results are documented and reviewed. Recommendations are formulated and presented in the form of a report and executive presentation. Ingenova ensures that all the costs and risks are identified.
4. Installation, Customisation & Integration
Ingenova develops a detailed package installation plan, defining actual deliverables, determining exactly who needs to be involved and what they will be responsible for, and bringing open issues to the table.
As the result of the Software Selection GAP analysis, the client determines if any customisation and/or integration are required. A priority is set for these activities based upon client-specified business criteria. Ingenova then reviews the customisation/integration requests.
An estimate and associated work plan are prepared and presented for approval by the client. Once the estimate and plan are approved, Ingenova works the plan, reporting progress according to the project communication plan.
5. Business Process Re-Engineering
When performing Business Process Reengineering, Ingenova follows a very structured work approach using a variety of proven methodologies and tools.
We assess current processes and determine if they add value for customers and the business; develop an “as-is” process model of how processes currently work; create a “to-be” process model of the future enterprise based on best practices benchmarking, process redesign, etc.; based on a gap analysis of “as-is” and “to-be,” establish a transition plan to attain the future enterprise; implement the vision.
6. Training and Integrated Logistics
Ingenova develops and performs training for re-engineered processes and customized software applications. We first develop training strategy and related plans that will enable the training to be successful in the client’s culture and environment.
As part of this, a training evaluation study is perform to determine who needs what training and what type of training should be given.
We include classroom, web-based, and individual training. Based upon the type of training that is to be developed, related training materials are developed in the appropriate media.
We then conduct the training according to the training plan. In many cases, we do “train-the-trainer” so as to ensure knowledge transfer within the client’s organization.
7. Roll Out Support
Ingenova can help set up command and control process to collect, process and action calls according to their priority and urgency. You will need people on-site and back at your central office, we can help set up that team, train them through scenarios and role playing to be ready for the types of situations they are likely to encounter when the action begins.
Ingenova can help you locate resources to support the solution roll out according to the client’s roll out plan. We provide Help-Desk support, training, equipment preparation, and conversion/ migration staff augmentation, and work force supplementation