Computer Sciences Corporation – Australia

  • ANZAC Ship Simulator Hardware Maintenance Manual
  • Production Manuals
  • NAUTIS Tactical Trainer Hardware Maintenance Manual

Computer Sciences Corporation – Australia is a major player in combat systems and simulation systems for defence projects.

 ANZAC Ship Simulator Hardware Maintenance Manual

A huge manual (14 folders) covering the Organizational and Intermediate Maintenance of the ANZAC Ship Simulator installed in two Australian sites and one New Zealand site.

The equipment spanned four VME cabinets and numerous Sun Workstations and facsimile navigational instruments. This was a defence project that required Security Clearance and an understanding of the Navy’s maintenance philosophy.

NAUTIS Tactical Trainer Hardware Maintenance Manual

This manual was very similar to ANZAC (above) but much smaller. Here we showed that a logical and practical arrangement of maintenance information could be re-used for other projects, saving CSC a huge amount of money by utilising up to 80% of existing information.

Production Manuals

As a serious manufacturer of simulator hardware, CSC needed to document the design, testing and manufacturing processes of the Hardware Group, in keeping with the intent of ISO9001.

We produced a series of Production Manual for each item of equipment that CSC has manufactured for ANZAC and other projects. We laid the foundation for sound engineering practice and effective through-life support of CSC’s hardware products.